Terms of Service
How it works:
This service is widely accessible and affordable. Appointments can be arranged to use any of the following formats:
- VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) such as with Skype (free software for voice or video and voice)
- By phone
- In person ( INSydneyOnly)
If you'd like to arrange an appointment:
- Select the format that you would prefer to use, then:
- If using VOIP (such as Skype), simply be online at the appointment time and I will message you to begin.
- If using the phone, I will call you at the appointment time.
- If meeting in person, Please arrive at the office 5 minutes before the appointment time. All in person sessions will be held at the office unless otherwise prearranged.
- Appointment lengths are booked in length of, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, or longer to a maximum of two hours (depending upon availability).
- Appointments are scheduled on a first come basis.
Hours of Service
Rates (all amounts are in US Dollars):
about Personal Therapy sessions
- Personal therapy sessions are confidential. Ensure you are alone when talking with your therapist (unless you have prearranged to have someone with you during your session).
- To prevent distractions and disruptions, it's best to be in a quiet and undistracted environment when talking with your therapist.
- Talking on the phone while driving is unsafe (and illegal in many areas). If you need to talk with therapist while in your vehicle, pull over to a safe location and turn off your vehicle during your session.
Payment for Coaching/Counselling Session Fees:
New Coaching/Counselling Clients:
- Counselling session fees are pre-paid prior to your confirmed appointment. This transaction only occurs once an appointment has been booked and confirmed.
Existing Coaching/Counselling Clients:
- Once a successful relationship has been established, fees will be transacted AFTER each session.
- All session fees must be transacted within 24 hours after your counselling session.
Payment method:
All amounts are in US Dollars.
I accept VISA, MasterCard, AMERICAN EXPRESS, and PayPal. Credit card information is collected prior to booked appointments.I will advise you of this information and how to proceed prior to your session.
IMPORTANT: For security and privacy reasons, I do not accept credit card information via e-mail, as email is NOT secure.
Credit card charges will appear from Susan Tavener Waugh counselling services
Rescheduling, Cancellation or Missed Appointment Policy:
It is my goal to provide high quality and dependable therapy services. To ensure that our services are used effectively (that our help is available to those who are seeking help, and so booked appointments aren't skipped preventing others from using them), I have the following coaching/counselling policy:
- If you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment, I require a minimum of 24 hours prior notice.
- For rescheduled appointments (with 24 hour prior notice), no service fee will be charged.
- For cancelled appointments (with 24 hour prior notice), no service fee will be charged.
- For rescheduled, cancelled, or missed appointments without the minimum of 24 hours prior notice, you will be charged for the length of time that the original appointment was booked for based on the session fee.
- Being 15 or more minutes late will constitute a 'missed' appointment, and will result in a charge for the session as per above.
- Sessions booked for one hour, but then need to be cut short due to a meeting, interruption, or other reason will be charged at the full one hour rate (unless previously arranged
- NOTE: 24 hours’ notice is the standard policy and applies unless otherwise stipulated
- Extended absences will result in all future regular appointments being cancelled and made available for first-come bookings.
Consecutive cancellations, appointments that are booked then cancelled one after another, prevent others from accessing coaching/counselling help.
- Coaching sessions that are cancelled two consecutive times without notifying me will be interpreted as a request to stop counselling services. As a result, all future regular appointments will be cancelled and made available for first-come bookings.
Unpaid Session Fees / Declined Credit Card Payments:
I am dedicated to providing responsible counselling assistance. To that end, paid session fees ensure your counselling sessions continue. Unpaid session fees, however, will prevent the continuation of counselling assistance.
New Coaching/Counselling Clients:
- If your pre-session credit card transaction is declined, you will be notified via email that there is a problem. You will then have a 3-day period to resolve the problem.
- Should this transaction continue to be declined after 3 days, your scheduled appointment (day and time) will be made available for first-come bookings.
Existing Coaching/Counselling Clients:
- For coaching/counselling transactions that decline, you will receive a 3-day period to resolve the problem.
- If our transaction is successful within the 3-day period, you will be notified by email that our transaction was successful. Should your transaction continue to decline at the end of 3 days, your regularly scheduled appointments (day and time) will become available for first-come bookings.
- Upon the successful transaction of your counselling fee after the 3-day period, you will be notified by email of the successful transaction and I will be in contact with you to arrange for your next appointment.
- If I no longer has available openings, you may ask to be placed on his/her waiting list Credit card charges will appear from Susan Tavener.
When you book an appointment, you agree to the above rates and terms of service.