THINK (before you speak)

Last time on the blog we looked at the power of our language. In case you missed it, you can read it here. Words are strong enough to break hearts and bring people to their knees. Words are powerful enough to influence people’s lives and build them up.

Today I wanted to expand on this a little, and offer some practical advice on how to use your words in a more positive uplifting way. This advice is built the popular saying “Think before you open your mouth to speak”.

Before we speak, use the anagram T.H.I.N.K to consider “is what I’m about to say……”

T - True

Ask yourself if what you are about to say is true, is it an exaggeration, or even a lie. If it is not true then don’t speak.

H - Helpful

Will what I am about to say help or hinder. What will it achieve? If it is negative, try and reframe your words with something positive.

I - Inspiring

Is what I am about to say going to lift the person up or pull them down? Is it going to encourage them to keep moving forward? If not why say it at all.

N - Necessary

Yes, there are times when there are things that need to be said. However is what I am about to say important. Will it leave a positive impact. Perhaps it will help the person grow. Alternatively, will it make them feel worthless or useless? In which case, is it better left unsaid?

K - Kind

Life can be hard and we know that a kind word can change someone’s entire day. So when you speak - be kind. Mother Teresa said “kind words can be short and easy to speak but there echoes are truly endless.”

Remember your words have power, so THINK before you speak, using words that are kind, loving, positive, uplifting, encouraging and life giving.

Keep going.

